Varicose veins are not only a visually unsightly phenomenon, but also a very dangerous disease. In its advanced form, such a disease can threaten the formation of blood clots and inflammatory processes in the vessels. Treating varicose veins at home is effective if you start with the first signs of a problem.
How to cope with the disease yourself
If pain is periodically felt in the lower extremities and protruding veins appear, these are obvious signs of varicose veins and it is very important to start treatment immediately. Of course, only a specialist can make a diagnosis and treat it competently. But before going to the doctor, as well as for the prevention of the disease at home, folk recipes are very effective.
Every problem always requires an integrated approach. There will be no exception and varicose veins. In order to successfully cure this disease, it is important to balance the diet, provide physical activity, including for the lower extremities, and choose effective treatment (decoctions, compresses, etc. ).
Exercises to prevent disease and relieve fatigue
Physical activity is necessary for normal blood flow. However, if you have severe vein problems, wearing compression underwear during exercise is essential. With this disease, the task is not to pump up the leg muscles, but just to give them enough exercise.
Many women have the so-called vascular network on their legs. Phlebologists consider it a purely cosmetic defect, however, in this case, physical activity should be taken more seriously in order to prevent possible varicose veins in the future. It is worth avoiding exercises aimed at pumping up those places that may be related to the load on the legs.
On the Internet you can find the most suitable video for you with a set of exercises that you need to do at home every day. This complex may include, for example:
- "Bike", lying on your back, you need to turn imaginary pedals. As a bonus, this exercise also pumps up the abdominal muscles.
- Alternating flexion and extension of the feet.
- Alternating flexion and extension of the toes.
- Rotation of the feet, first in one direction, then in the other direction. In this case, it is desirable to keep the legs at an angle of 90 degrees to the body. Also, this exercise allows you to pump up the abdominal muscles.
- Stand on the floor and, without lifting your socks off the floor, alternately lift your heels.
- Stand on tiptoe, lower yourself to a full foot, and stand on tiptoe again.
- "Scissors" - a cross movement of the legs in a position from 30 to 90 degrees in relation to the body. If the goal is to pump up the abdominal muscles, this exercise is good to perform dynamically, changing the degree of incline and without stopping the cross movements.
On the Internet you can find videos of simpler and more complex exercises. At home, you can choose such gymnastics that correspond to any level of physical fitness and at the same time successfully work in the fight against varicose veins.
The usual relief of the lower extremities is also useful. To do this, you need to raise your legs at least 20 centimeters relative to your head. You can lean them against the wall or put them on a roll.
home remedies
With the help of folk remedies, it is quite possible to cure even neglected varicose veins at home, if you use the funds regularly and for a long time. Almost every prescription requires at least a month's intake. It is necessary to observe changes in the legs. If the dynamics are positive, we can say that the method is suitable and you can continue to treat varicose veins in this way. If there are no changes or worsening, you should stop the chosen method and consult a doctor.
As the experience reports show, varicose veins can be successfully treated at home. Pain and swelling of the lower extremities are especially good after using folk recipes. It is more correct to use several means at once: drink decoctions and make compresses on the legs. Then varicose veins can be treated faster at home.
To cure varicose veins with folk remedies, they must be used regularly.
The most effective decoctions and tinctures
Herbal tinctures have a good effect. You can use both dried plants bought at the Apothecary and craft blanks from what grows in the countryside or in the forest. Here are just a few resources:
- A brew made from ordinary hops. Treating varicose veins with this plant is effective and quite simple. The herb can be bought at the pharmacy. A little hops should be poured with hot water and leave for half an hour. You need to drink several times a day for at least a month.
- Horse chestnut tincture. Such an infusion with prolonged use copes well with swelling and pain in the lower extremities. You should mix 50 g of chestnut flowers and half a liter of vodka. Leave in a dark place for 3 weeks. You can take 30 drops twice a day before meals.
- Nettle infusion also helps with vein problems. It is necessary to drink a glass in three doses a day. Therefore, it takes at least six months to treat varicose veins.
- You can drink crushed almonds mixed with honey in water twice a day.
Be sure to monitor your condition and allergic reactions. In the event of a rash or other irritation, it is right to stop using the product. Fortunately, vein problems can be treated in a number of ways. There are recipes against varicose veins and against apples, to which an allergy is extremely rare.
compresses and rubbing
With varicose veins, it is imperative to perform compresses or rubbing. It makes sense, for example, to rub the shins with apple cider vinegar. It's good at distributing blood. This procedure can be done for a month. Care must be taken not to irritate the legs. With the slightest discomfort, it is better to consult a doctor.
Apple cider vinegar is good for treating varicose veins.
Another popular way also helps a lot. Green tomatoes, previously cut, can be applied to the areas with swollen veins. Tomatoes must be fixed with bandages. It is best to let the tomatoes soak overnight.
Not bad in the treatment of varicose veins and poultices from sour milk with the addition of wormwood, as well as alcohol tincture on lilac leaves or white acacia flowers. In spring and summer, this infusion can be easily prepared at home.
The treatment is effective even with the help of the most ordinary potatoes. You can simply rub it and apply it to the most problematic areas where vein swelling is most noticeable.
The common houseplant Kalanchoe has also proven itself in the treatment of varicose veins. It is necessary to prepare a tincture of medicinal alcohol and rub it on the shins and feet daily before bedtime.
A mixture of crushed garlic and butter also helps against varicose veins. Such an ointment should be applied to troublesome areas and left on the feet all night. It's good that you can cook such a mixture at any time of the year.
Cream for swelling and pain
To get rid of swelling and pain in the legs at home, chestnut cream is very effective. To prepare it, a mixture of chopped chestnut and melted pork fat must be made in a one-to-one ratio. Rub varicose veins and simply enlarged veins with this composition. Numerous test reports speak about the advantages of such a tool. Although some experts believe that it is pointless to treat varicose veins with such a composition, many people suffering from the disease note a significant decrease in leg pain and even visual changes. Someone even manages to pump up the muscles of the legs and buttocks, but with varicose veins, this type of load on the legs is practically contraindicated.
other treatments
According to reviews, apples have a miraculous effect. You can treat the disease at home in several ways:
- Take 50 ml of apple juice (3 apples per liter of water) twice a day.
- Apply applesauce to swollen veins.
Don't forget the compression underwear. It should be worn on your feet every day. Bandaging the lower extremities with an elastic bandage is also effective for varicose veins. However, if there is no improvement after prolonged treatment at home, the visit to the phlebologist should not be postponed. Only he can correctly diagnose by scanning the veins of the lower extremities and help to cure this unpleasant disease.